noyb GDPR Complaints
DPA | Complaints | Decisions | Breakdown |
AEPD (Spain) | 9 | 4 | Other Outcome (1) Partly Won (3) Pending (2 - 3 years) (1) Pending (3 - 4 years) (2) Pending (4 years and more) (1) Won (1) |
AKI (Estonia) | 4 | 2 | Pending (4 years and more) (2) Won (2) |
ANSPDCP (Romania) | 16 | 9 | Other Outcome (3) Partly Won (8) Withdrawn (Complied) (4) Won (1) |
AP (The Netherlands) | 58 | 1 | Pending (2 - 3 years) (12) Pending (3 - 4 years) (37) Pending (4 years and more) (6) Withdrawn (Complied) (1) Withdrawn (Other Reason) (1) Won (1) |
APD/GBA (Belgium) | 36 | 6 | Lost (3) Other Outcome (2) Partly Won (1) Pending (2 - 3 years) (3) Pending (3 - 4 years) (19) Pending (4 years and more) (1) Pending (18 - 24 months) (1) Withdrawn (Strategic Reasons) (4) Won (2) |
APDCAT (Catalonia) | 0 | 0 | |
AZOP (Croatia) | 2 | 0 | Pending (4 years and more) (2) |
BayLDA (Bavaria) | 27 | 17 | Lost (8) Partly Won (7) Pending (2 - 3 years) (2) Pending (3 - 4 years) (5) Pending (18 - 24 months) (1) Withdrawn (Complied) (2) Won (2) |
BfDI (Germany) | 1 | 1 | Partly Won (1) |
BLM (Bavaria) | 6 | 5 | Partly Won (5) Pending (4 years and more) (1) |
BlnBDI (Berlin) | 19 | 11 | Lost (1) Partly Won (8) Pending (3 - 4 years) (1) Pending (4 years and more) (2) Pending (18 - 24 months) (5) Won (2) |
CNIL (France) | 54 | 27 | Lost (11) Other Outcome (6) Partly Won (12) Pending (0 - 6 months) (1) Pending (2 - 3 years) (4) Pending (3 - 4 years) (9) Pending (4 years and more) (4) Pending (12 - 18 months) (3) Won (4) |
CNPD (Luxembourg) | 13 | 6 | Lost (4) Other Outcome (3) Partly Won (2) Pending (3 - 4 years) (2) Pending (4 years and more) (2) |
CNPD (Portugal) | 4 | 0 | Pending (3 - 4 years) (2) Pending (4 years and more) (2) |
Commissioner (Cyprus) | 4 | 3 | Partly Won (3) Pending (3 - 4 years) (1) |
CPDP (Bulgaria) | 12 | 1 | Lost (1) Pending (2 - 3 years) (5) Pending (3 - 4 years) (3) Pending (4 years and more) (3) |
CTPDA (Spain) | 0 | 0 | |
Datatilsynet (Denmark) | 10 | 1 | Partly Won (1) Pending (2 - 3 years) (3) Pending (3 - 4 years) (5) Pending (4 years and more) (1) |
Datatilsynet (Norway) | 14 | 1 | Other Outcome (1) Pending (2 - 3 years) (5) Pending (3 - 4 years) (6) Pending (4 years and more) (1) Won (1) |
Datenschutzstelle (Liechtenstein) | 4 | 0 | Withdrawn (Complied) (4) |
Datenschutzzentrum (Saarland) | 1 | 1 | Partly Won (1) |
DBEB/AVPD (Basque Country) | 0 | 0 | |
DPC (Ireland) | 55 | 0 | Partial Decision (1) Pending (0 - 6 months) (1) Pending (2 - 3 years) (9) Pending (3 - 4 years) (17) Pending (4 years and more) (11) Pending (6 - 12 months) (5) Pending (12 - 18 months) (3) Pending (18 - 24 months) (3) Withdrawn (Complied) (3) Withdrawn (Other Reason) (2) |
DSB (Austria) | 50 | 16 | Lost (1) Other Outcome (3) Partial Decision (1) Partly Won (13) Pending (2 - 3 years) (4) Pending (3 - 4 years) (8) Pending (4 years and more) (5) Pending (6 - 12 months) (3) Pending (12 - 18 months) (1) Pending (18 - 24 months) (1) Withdrawn (Complied) (8) Won (2) |
DSB (Saxony) | 0 | 0 | |
DVI (Latvia) | 1 | 0 | Other Outcome (1) |
EDPB | 0 | 0 | |
EDPS | 2 | 2 | Partly Won (1) Won (1) |
Garante per la protezione dei dati personali (Italy) | 37 | 28 | Lost (2) Other Outcome (1) Partly Won (21) Pending (3 - 4 years) (7) Pending (4 years and more) (1) Won (5) |
HBDI (Hesse) | 8 | 3 | Pending (3 - 4 years) (3) Withdrawn (Complied) (2) Won (3) |
HDPA (Greece) | 8 | 2 | Partly Won (1) Pending (3 - 4 years) (2) Pending (4 years and more) (4) Won (1) |
HmbBfDI (Hamburg) | 20 | 10 | Lost (1) Other Outcome (1) Partly Won (9) Pending (2 - 3 years) (3) Pending (3 - 4 years) (3) Pending (4 years and more) (3) |
ICO (UK) | 1 | 1 | Partly Won (1) |
IDPC (Malta) | 9 | 1 | Other Outcome (1) Withdrawn (Complied) (7) Won (1) |
IMY (Sweden) | 13 | 5 | Other Outcome (3) Partly Won (1) Pending (0 - 6 months) (1) Pending (2 - 3 years) (1) Pending (3 - 4 years) (2) Withdrawn (Complied) (1) Won (4) |
IP (Slovenia) | 9 | 0 | Pending (3 - 4 years) (5) Pending (4 years and more) (3) Withdrawn (Complied) (1) |
LDA (Brandenburg) | 3 | 0 | Pending (2 - 3 years) (2) Pending (3 - 4 years) (1) |
LDI (North Rhine-Westphalia) | 29 | 4 | Other Outcome (1) Partly Won (4) Pending (2 - 3 years) (14) Pending (3 - 4 years) (7) Pending (4 years and more) (3) |
LDSB (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) | 0 | 0 | |
LfD (Saxony-Anhalt) | 0 | 0 | |
LfDI (Baden-Württemberg) | 14 | 0 | Pending (2 - 3 years) (4) Pending (3 - 4 years) (10) |
LfDI (Bremen) | 0 | 0 | |
LfDI (Lower Saxony) | 1 | 1 | Won (1) |
LFDI (Rhineland-Palatinate) | 2 | 0 | Pending (3 - 4 years) (1) Withdrawn (Complied) (1) |
NAIH (Hungary) | 16 | 1 | Other Outcome (11) Pending (3 - 4 years) (2) Pending (4 years and more) (1) Withdrawn (Other Reason) (1) Won (1) |
Persónuvernd (Island) | 2 | 0 | Other Outcome (2) |
Tietosuojavaltuutetun toimisto (Finland) | 13 | 0 | Pending (2 - 3 years) (1) Pending (3 - 4 years) (10) Pending (4 years and more) (2) |
TLfDI (Thuringia) | 0 | 0 | |
ULD (Schleswig-Holstein) | 1 | 0 | Withdrawn (Complied) (1) |
UODO (Poland) | 53 | 0 | Pending (2 - 3 years) (8) Pending (3 - 4 years) (40) Pending (4 years and more) (5) |
UOOU (Czech Republic) | 16 | 0 | Pending (2 - 3 years) (8) Pending (3 - 4 years) (5) Pending (4 years and more) (2) Withdrawn (Complied) (1) |
UOOU (Slovakia) | 7 | 0 | Pending (2 - 3 years) (3) Pending (3 - 4 years) (1) Pending (4 years and more) (3) |
VDAI (Lithuania) | 11 | 0 | Pending (2 - 3 years) (4) Pending (3 - 4 years) (4) Pending (4 years and more) (3) |