As we mark the fifth anniversary of the GDPR, noyb has put together a range of press materials, statistics and background information.
Some of the material will only be available over the next days.
Five Years of the GDPR: Media Resources
This page is still gradually updated. We expect all resources by 20 May 2023.
Background Talk ahead of 5 years of GDPR
Background talk with Max Schrems: Does the once hailed 'gold standard' deliver in practice?
E-Mail us to get a link to the video recording
Issues & Statistics

noyb's 800+ case data base now published. Marking the 5 years of GDPR, noyb has published detailed data on more than 800 GDPR cases with statistics per case, DPA and project - creating by far the biggest free and public database on GDPR enforcement. Find all of noyb's cases here and our cases per DPA here.
GDPR country profiles. “Country one-pagers” with issues on specific Member States, which also concerns the problematic implication in these Member States.
- Austria
- Belgium
- France
- Germany
- Greece EN/ GR
- Ireland
- Italy
- Luxembourg
- Netherlands EN/ NL
- Poland
- Spain
Statistics on funding, decisions and alike. Our colleagues at the Irish Council for Civil Liberties provided statistics on the EU data protection authorities

GDPR Trap Map. noyb's free and public "GDPR Trap Map" lists procedural and practical ways how EU Member States undermine the GDPR. Member States could change these laws and practices to make the GDPR more efficient on the ground.
Proposal for a new Procedure. The European Commission is now also discussing a "GDPR Procedures Reform" to overcome deadlock between national Data Protection Authorities. We made a website with our proposal for a revised procedures regulation that could overcome many of the GDPR enforcement issues.