Overview of noyb's GDPR complaints

noyb GDPR Complaints

    Case Controller DPA Status Duration
    C037-10022 FootballCo Media Limited DSB (Austria) Pending (3 - 4 years) Filed:
    (3 years 6 months ago)
    C037-10023 Avast Software s.r.o. DSB (Austria), UOOU (Czech Republic) Pending (3 - 4 years) Filed:
    (3 years 6 months ago)
    C037-10025 Condé Nast Holdings Limited DSB (Austria) Other Outcome Filed:
    (1 year 4 months)
    C037-10028 MTCH Technology Services Limited DPC (Ireland) Withdrawn (Complied) Filed:
    (1 year 2 months)
    C037-10031 Condé Nast Holdings Limited DSB (Austria) Other Outcome Filed:
    (1 year 4 months)
    C037-10033 Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. DSB (Austria) Other Outcome Filed:
    (1 year 4 months)
    C037-10034 Meredith Corporation DSB (Austria) Other Outcome Filed:
    (1 year 4 months)
    C037-10038 Hypebeast UK Limited DSB (Austria) Partly Won Filed:
    (3 years 6 months ago)
    C037-10040 Kaplan U.K. Limited DSB (Austria) Partly Won Filed:
    (3 years 6 months ago)
    C037-10041 Quartz Media, Inc. DSB (Austria) Partly Won Filed:
    (3 years 6 months ago)
    C037-10043 British Council DSB (Austria) Partly Won Filed:
    (3 years 6 months ago)
    C037-10044 Livesport s.r.o. DSB (Austria), IDPC (Malta), UOOU (Czech Republic) Withdrawn (Complied) Filed:
    (3 years 6 months ago)
    C037-10046 TuneIn, Inc.
 DSB (Austria) Partly Won Filed:
    (3 years 6 months ago)
    C037-10048 Legacy.com DSB (Austria) Partly Won Filed:
    (3 years 6 months ago)
    C037-10049 Penske Media Corporation DSB (Austria) Withdrawn (Complied) Filed:
    (9 months 2 weeks)
    C037-10055 The National Magazine Company Limited DSB (Austria) Partly Won Filed:
    (3 years 6 months ago)
    C037-10056 Condé Nast Holdings Limited DSB (Austria) Other Outcome Filed:
    (1 year 4 months)
    C037-10057 DOĞUŞ DİJİTAL HİZMETLER A.Ş. DSB (Austria) Pending (3 - 4 years) Filed:
    (3 years 6 months ago)
    C037-10060 Marktplaats B.V. DSB (Austria), AP (The Netherlands) Withdrawn (Other Reason) Filed:
    (3 years 6 months ago)
    C037-10061 OCLC, Inc DSB (Austria) Pending (2 - 3 years) Filed:
    (2 years 6 months ago)