Overview of noyb's GDPR complaints

noyb GDPR Complaints

    Case Controller DPA Status Duration
    C029-4 CDON AB (formarly: Qliro Group AB) DSB (Austria), IMY (Sweden) Won Filed:
    (4 years 6 months ago)
    C029-40 Decathlon France SA CNIL (France) Won Filed:
    (1 year 7 months)
    C029-41 Free Mobile 16 CNIL (France) Other Outcome Filed:
    (4 years 6 months ago)
    C029-42 Auchan E-commerce France CNIL (France) Other Outcome Filed:
    (4 years 6 months ago)
    C029-43 Sephora SAS CNIL (France) Pending (4 years and more) Filed:
    (4 years 6 months ago)
    C029-44 netdoktor.at GmbH DSB (Austria) Partial Decision Filed:
    (2 years 7 months)
    C029-45 CZECH NEWS CENTER a.s. DSB (Austria), UOOU (Czech Republic) Pending (4 years and more) Filed:
    (4 years 6 months ago)
    C029-46 oe24 GmbH DSB (Austria) Pending (4 years and more) Filed:
    (4 years 6 months ago)
    C029-47 POMO Media Group sro DSB (Austria), UOOU (Czech Republic) Pending (4 years and more) Filed:
    (4 years 6 months ago)
    C029-48 Politis DSB (Austria), Commissioner (Cyprus) Partly Won Filed:
    (4 years 6 months ago)
    C029-49 Cyprus Football Association DSB (Austria), Commissioner (Cyprus) Partly Won Filed:
    (4 years 6 months ago)
    C029-5 Syn DSB (Austria), Persónuvernd (Island) Other Outcome Filed:
    (4 years 6 months ago)
    C029-50 CYPRUS NEWS AGENCY DSB (Austria), Commissioner (Cyprus) Partly Won Filed:
    (4 years 6 months ago)
    C029-51 DYO DEKA EDITORIAL SA (lifo) DSB (Austria), HDPA (Greece) Pending (4 years and more) Filed:
    (4 years 6 months ago)
    C029-52 FIRST ISSUE SA DSB (Austria), HDPA (Greece) Pending (4 years and more) Filed:
    (4 years 6 months ago)
    C029-53 iefimerida DSB (Austria), HDPA (Greece) Pending (4 years and more) Filed:
    (4 years 6 months ago)
    C029-54 Scrooge SA DSB (Austria), HDPA (Greece) Pending (4 years and more) Filed:
    (4 years 6 months ago)
    C029-55 Liechtenstein Marketing Datenschutzstelle (Liechtenstein) Withdrawn (Complied) Filed:
    (4 years 6 months ago)
    C029-56 Incrementum AG Datenschutzstelle (Liechtenstein) Withdrawn (Complied) Filed:
    (2 weeks)
    C029-57 Universität Liechtenstein Datenschutzstelle (Liechtenstein) Withdrawn (Complied) Filed:
    (4 weeks)