Different Language Versions of noyb.eu
The EU has 24 official languages, using three different alphabets. Obviously there are many more languages in use throughout Europe. We have tried to make our page accessible to as many people as possible. Therefore, there are three types of pages on noyb.eu:
English Originals
Usually the authentic original text is available in English. If you have any problems with other language versions, just switch to the English version.
Full Translations
Some pages were manually translated. Most pages are currently fully translated to German. When adding more translations, we try to focus on languages that can reach as many people as possible. We often rely on volunteers to help us with these translations. Therefore we cannot ensure that all translations are fully accurate.
If you find a translation error on these pages, please send us an email at info@noyb.eu.
Machine Translations
Most pages are machine translation of the English original. On such pages you will be shown a notice on the top of the page. We are aware that the quality of these translations is often poor and may not be helpful in all cases. The machine translation should nevertheless allow you to find and understand the basics of each page, while you can always switch to a fully translated other language (usually English).
If you want to support us by fully translating these pages, please send us an email at info@noyb.eu.