GDPR Rights in Sweden: Court confirms that authority must investigate complaints.
Where did all the “reject” buttons come from?!
Two are better than one?! strikes back with forced banner, when users make the "wrong" choice.
Alarming: Court of Justice may severely limit enforcement of European’s privacy rights
Legal Analysis: No non-material damages for GDPR violations?
New US Executive Order unlikely to satisfy EU law
6 Months of "agreement in principle", EU-US agreement in fact still missing
Gmail creates “Spam Emails”, despite CJEU judgment
226 complaints lodged against deceptive cookie banners
Data Protection Lawyer
You want to join a purpose‐driven team, go beyond mere compliance paperwork and have what it takes to enforce the GDPR? Then apply for a position in our legal team!
Annual Report 2021 out now!
Second € 20 Mio Fine for Clearview AI
One Month for European DPAs to decide Facebook's EU-US Data Transfers
UPDATE: Further EU DPA orders stop of Google Analytics
Sweden: Users are not party to their own privacy rights?
No right to access your own location data? noyb files appeal against Spanish DPA
Statement on 4 Years of GDPR
Open Letter on the Future of EU-US Data Transfers
UPDATE on noyb’s 101 complaints: Austrian DPA rejects “risk based approach” for data transfers to third countries