Exercise your rights!

Have you ever wondered if your data is well protected or who knows what about you, and why?
Have you ever wanted to do ensure privacy of your data, but didn’t know how to claim your digital rights?
Continue reading to find out how noyb’s Exercise Your Rights series will help you with that!

The GDPR is meant to empower individuals (data subjects) by giving them control over the information that others have about them (their personal data). Every person has the right to find out what data a company has on them, how it is processed, and take action if they think that their data is being processed illegally (the General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR). 

These rights can be enforced via data protection authorities (DPAs) and courts. We encourage everybody to make use of their fundamental right to privacy by providing information on how to do so. 

Your Rights under the GDPR are: