Artificial Intelligence

AI project header
The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has increased drastically over the past year. While the specific meaning of AI is still rather unclear, it is being used more and more by public and private actors. The use of AI can take many different forms - one particularly popular form is generative AI, which is used to create texts, images or videos.

The use of AI poses a number of challenges, such as the spread of disinformation or the reproduction of biases and discrimination. The use of AI also raises a number of legal challenges in connection with inter alia copyright and data protection law. These issues are often linked to the fact that AI models require a huge amount of data in order to be trained. This data is sometimes scraped from the internet or collected from other sources, without distinguishing between personal (or sensitive) data and other categories of data.

noyb wants to challenge practices where the development and use of AI violates the fundamental rights of data subjects. Especially in relation to unlawful practices that can not be based on a valid legal basis but also in relation to other violations of data protection principles like the purpose limitation, data minimisation and storage limitation.  
Case Controller DPA Status Duration
C087-09 Twitter International Unlimited Company UODO (Poland) Pending (6 - 12 months) Filed:
(7 months 2 weeks ago)
C097 OpenAI OpCo, LLC Datatilsynet (Norway) Pending (0 - 6 months) Filed:
(1 week 4 days ago)
