CNIL (France)

The CNIL is the Data Protection Authority for France. The authority is established in Paris and is in charge of enforcing GDPR for France, as well as the national law for data protection "Loi Informatique et Libertés".

Average time for pending cases
2 years 6 months 21 days
Average time for closed cases
2 years 2 months 23 days

noyb GDPR Complaints

    Case Controller Sort descending Status Duration
    C069 MyFitnessPal Pending (6 - 12 months) Filed:
    (8 months ago)
    C037-14067 PETIT BATEAU Lost Filed:
    (1 year 9 months ago)
    C037-12366 Procter & Gamble France SAS Won Filed:
    (1 year 9 months ago)
    C037-10519 RAJA Partly Won Filed:
    (2 years 9 months ago)
    C037-13575 Reed Exhibitions Pending (18 - 24 months) Filed:
    (1 year 9 months ago)
    C029-43 Sephora SAS Pending (3 - 4 years) Filed:
    (3 years 9 months ago)
    C037-10419 TFCF Channels France SARL Other Outcome Filed:
    (2 years 9 months ago)
    C037-11969 Turner Broadcasting System France SAS Other Outcome Filed:
    (2 years 9 months ago)
    C037-11101 Turner Broadcasting System France SAS Partly Won Filed:
    (2 years 9 months ago)
    C037-12940 Unilever France Won Filed:
    (1 year 9 months ago)
    C037-11261 Unilever France Other Outcome Filed:
    (2 years 9 months ago)
    C037-12715 Unilever N.V. Pending (2 - 3 years) Filed:
    (2 years 9 months ago)
    C037-11461 Warner Music France Lost Filed:
    (2 years 9 months ago)
    C037-15255 Warner Music France Lost Filed:
    (1 year 9 months ago)
    C018 Webedia Pending (4 years and more) Filed:
    (4 years 5 months ago)