APD/GBA (Belgium)

The Belgian Data Protection Authority (APD, Autorité de protection des données in French or GBA, Gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit in Dutch) is the national Data Protection Authority for Belgium. It resides in Brussels and is in charge of enforcing GDPR in Belgium.

Average time for pending cases
2 years 2 months 6 days
Average time for closed cases
1 year 7 months 28 days

noyb GDPR Complaints

    Case Controller Status Duration
    C062-06 Gazet van Antwerpen Pending (6 - 12 months) Filed:
    (9 months 1 week ago)
    C062-07 Het Belang van Limburg Pending (6 - 12 months) Filed:
    (9 months 1 week ago)
    C062-08 Het Nieuwsblad Pending (6 - 12 months) Filed:
    (9 months 1 week ago)
    C062-09 VRT Other Outcome Filed:
    (9 months 1 week ago)
    C062-10 De Tijd Other Outcome Filed:
    (9 months 1 week ago)
    C062-11 La Libre Other Outcome Filed:
    (9 months 1 week ago)
    C062-12 L'Avenir Other Outcome Filed:
    (9 months 1 week ago)
    C062-13 7sur7 Pending (6 - 12 months) Filed:
    (9 months 1 week ago)
    C062-14 RTL Pending (6 - 12 months) Filed:
    (9 months 1 week ago)
    C062-15 RTBF Other Outcome Filed:
    (9 months 1 week ago)
    C063 Telesign, BICS, Proximus PLC Pending (6 - 12 months) Filed:
    (10 months ago)