C029-72 dir.BG

Data Transfers
Case project
Case status
Pending (4 years and more)
Filed: (4 years 2 months ago)

This is one of noyb 101 complaints which were filed after the "Schrems II" judgement in Summer 2020. The judgement invalidated the EU-US data transfer mechanism "Privacy Shield". The cases were generated based on implemented Google Analytics or Facebook tracking code on websites by EU providers, which leads to unlawful data transfers to the United States.

Date Summary
noyb sent paper letter to Bulgarian DPA asking for them to handle the cases
noyb contacted case manager who personally offered Max to take care of the complaints and received an error notification

noyb contacted the Bulgarian DPA via a personal email given to noyb. Again, Mail Delivery Error. It seems to be impossible for us to send emails to the Bulgarian DPA. noyb forwarded the email from a non-noyb email account and received confirmation that it got sent through.

Bulgarian DPA seems to have blacklisted noyb emails

We received another mail delivery error notification for an email asking for an update, but our technician confirmed that the email forwarded by the technician from a non-noyb address got through.

We sent the last email as a registered paper letter
noyb tried to send an email to the Bulgarian DPA

noyb tried to send an email to the Bulgarian DPA explaining the whole situation again and providing a link to our sharded nextcloud where all four complaints filed with the CPDP + attachments can be downloaded. On the same day and on 10.10.2021, we received an error notification.

Bulgarian DPA sent us an email

Bulgarian DPA sent us an email with an attached letter stating that they only received one complaint and that the representation agreement attached was incorrect.

noyb sent an email to the head of the Bulgarian DPA

noyb sent an email to the head of the Bulgarian DPA raising the issue of the DPA's complete inactivity.

Bulgarian DPA claimed to not have received any complaints and asked us to resubmit them
noyb resubmitted complaints C029 72 to 75

noyb submitted complaints C029-72, 73, 74 and 75 with the Bulgarian DPA. On the same day, Bulgarian DPA claimed to only have received C029-74 but not any other complaints. So noyb resubmitted those again.

noyb resubmitted complaint C029 72

noyb resubmitted complaint C029-72, as we have received an error notification when sending this complaint and asked the Bulgarian DPA for confirmation of receipt.
