Case project
Sieh an! Handelsgesellschaft
Case status
Pending (2 - 3 years)
(2 years 7 months ago)
noyb lodged 225 GDPR complaints in a second round of litigation on deceptive designs against websites that use the popular cookie banner software (“OneTrust”).
Date | Summary |
17.02.2025 | Submission to court Sending final decision in very similar case from BVwG Austria |
16.08.2024 | Submission to VG Ansbach by controller Similar arguments as in the past |
25.03.2024 | Submission to court Procedural and material arguments regarding lodging complaints, noyb and cookie banners |
31.01.2024 | |
26.01.2024 | Court sends submission from controller |
28.09.2023 | Court communication Lawyer sends us submission of authority questioning standing, controller's law firm intervention. |
10.07.2023 | Beiladung Verantwortlicher Gericht lädt Verantwortlichen bei. |
12.05.2023 | Court Submission by DPA Longer court submission by DPA. |
06.03.2023 | Klagebegruendung |
14.02.2023 | Fristverlaengerung Gericht |
18.01.2023 | Update Anwalt |
29.12.2022 | Bestaetigung Vollmacht |
28.12.2022 | Streitwertbeschluss 5000 EUR Streitwert. Uebertrag auf Einzelrichter. Vollmacht bestaetigen. |
21.12.2022 | Klage |
25.11.2022 | Negative Decision |
26.09.2022 | DPA update |
09.08.2022 | Complaint filed Entry autogenerated, see NextCloud for details. |