One of the series of complaints on deceptive cookie banners.
Date | Summary |
12.03.2024 | Decision by BfDI Buttons in cookie banner need to be similar in nature, website is already adapted |
09.02.2024 | noyb submission Pointing out aspects of Violation D, E and K |
19.01.2024 | BfDI informs that they only partially agree with the complaint Grants deadline for a submission |
16.11.2023 | Update from BfDI they are still working on the complaint Controller updated cookie banner BfDI says |
16.08.2023 | Update from BfDI that they are working on it |
16.05.2023 | Update from DPA that they are still working on the complaint |
16.02.2023 | Update from the DPA via mail |
16.08.2022 | DPA response they cannot share any information The DPA answered to our request about the details of the EDPB Taskforce's conclusions that they can't share any information yet. |
16.08.2022 | DPA response regarding a possibility for a submission The DPA wrote that the proceedings are still ongoing in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act (VwVfG). Pursuant to Section 28 VwVfG, the DPA must give a party the opportunity to comment on the facts relevant to the decision. Furthermore, a party is free to comment at any time during the proceedings. |
25.07.2022 | noyb questions about the taskforce conclusions and the right to be heard We asked the DPA about the conclusions by the taskforce and whether we will be heard |
25.07.2022 | DPA update on the status and that taskforce concluded the investigation |
26.04.2022 | BfDI responded Should be heard on facts. |
22.04.2022 | Email from BfDI Email from BfDI saying that the coordination of the supervisory authorities already mentioned in an earlier letter is expected to be completed soon. In parallel - they are also still investigating the third country transfers listed in the complaint. |
22.04.2022 | noyb asked for an opportunity to be noyb asked for an opportunity to be heard. |
24.02.2022 | Email from the BfDI Email from the BfDI that they are processing the complaint but that the authorities need to coordinate. |
26.10.2021 | BfDI requested screenshots the BfDI has requested missing screenshots - sent on 2021-10-27. |
13.10.2021 | The complaint was forwarded to BfDI The complaint was forwarded to Der Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informations-freiheit because they are responsible for the postal services complaints. BfDI confirmed on 2021-10-20 the receipt of the complaint. |
10.08.2021 | Complaint filed |