C029-59 Allied Irish Banks

two laptops exchanging data
Case project
Allied Irish Banks
Case status
Pending (4 years and more)
Filed: (4 years 6 months ago)

This is one of noyb 101 complaints which were filed after the "Schrems II" judgement in Summer 2020. The judgement invalidated the EU-US data transfer mechanism "Privacy Shield". The cases were generated based on implemented Google Analytics or Facebook tracking code on websites by EU providers, which leads to unlawful data transfers to the United States.

Date Summary
noyb called the DPC and requested a status update
Update by DPC

The DPC received confirmation from the website owner (AIB) that it ceased using the tool on the 24 August 2020 and that it will not use it again at any point in the future. The complaint will be concluded on this basis.

DPC informed us that there has been

DPC informed us that there has been a change of case manager and that the complaints continue to be under investgation.

DPC again informed us that the complaint continues to be under investigation

DPC notified us again that our complaints continue to be under investgation.

noyb asked the DPC for an Update
DPC again informed us that the complaint continues to be under investigation

DPC notified us that our complaints C-029-58/59 and 60 continue to be under examination.

DPC again informed us that the complaint continues to be under investigation

DPC notified us that our complaints C-029-58, 59 and 60 continue to be under examination and that the DPC continues to engage with the data controllers.

DPC informed us that the complaint continues to be under investigation

DPC informed us that the complaints C-29-58, 59 and 60 continue to be under examination and that they have requested more information from the controller.

DPC said that they will give us an update within three months

DPC said that they will give us an update within three months of the date in which the complaints were received, and every three months after.

DPC replied that they consider themselves to be the competent SA

DPC replied that they consider themselves to be the competent SA, and that they will keep us informed if there is another LSA. .

DPC promised to get back at the earliest opportunity
noyb sent followup email to the DPC
noyb submited the attachments to the complaint via email

noyb submited the attachments to the complaint via email. DPC acknowledged receipt on the same day, but asked for a PDF of the HAR file.

DPC sent another letter

DPC sent another letter, stating that the controller has been furnished with a copy of the complaint and a number of questions have been put to the controller.

DPC sent a letter stating that the complaint will be handled

DPC sent a letter stating that the complaint will be handled. Also the DPC again mentioned the broken link.

DPC confirmed receipt

DPC confirmed receipt and mentioned a link to the documents not working.
