Donations & other Support Options

While noyb mainly needs stable long-term funding to function, we welcome any other type of donation. There are different ways to contribute to our mission.


As an independent, non-profit organization, noyb relies on the support of individuals. These donations from civil society make our work in protecting your right to privacy possible. While regular donations like membership fees help us establish long-term financial stability and allow planning, we also welcome any type of individual donation.

You can find all information on our activities and spendings in our annual transparency report.

noyb has been awarded the Austrian Donation Seal of Approval. This seal proves that noyb handles donated money carefully, responsibly and for the intended purpose only. You can find more information here.

Donations to noyb are applicable for a tax refund in Austria and Germany. More information can be found here

Bank AccountQR code for bank account

We are happy about any donations that reach our bank account!

Name: noyb – European Center for Digital Rights
Address: Goldschlagstraße 172/4/3/2, 1140 Vienna, Austria
IBAN: AT91 2011 1837 8146 6601
Bank: Erste Bank, Vienna, Austria


Please note that we are obliged by law to sell cryptocurrency quickly and are not allowed to "speculate". Maybe think about the timing of any transaction in this respect. These are our cryptocurrency wallets:

  • BTC wallet: 1AzuMusTizJeXckmeQ57ioAzsHrpiqgPRp
  • ETH wallet: 0x9abd6265Eaca022c1ccF931a7E9150dA0E7Db7Ec
  • LTC wallet: LcekW1AsbUVSWAVy8tLZ5XRLpszjEnMYyy
  • Polygon wallet: 0x61F94a28CF45f19201F37e4C92a22cbd84660df1 (USDC only!)
  • Avalanche wallet: 0x21cAFc58675499D6A092aFd25c924f6D564d9904 (USDC only!)

PaypalQR code for Paypal

We are happy to receive donations via our PayPal link