
Things we can (and cannot) help you with...

We are happy to hear your input, suggestions and feedback. We are also happy to help everyone with their privacy questions. At the same time, we are a small non-profit and we are sure that you welcome that we focus our limited resources on our core work on privacy enforcement.

Our small legal team gives priority to questions from our supporting members - other requests may experience longer waiting times.

We can only help with immanent privacy issues of private users. We cannot give advice to commercial actors, on political issues and questions on other fields of law (such as copyright, criminal or consumer law). Please contact your local consumer rights or digital rights organization or a commercial law firm if you need such advice.

For inquiries please contact us at info [a]

For media inquiries please reach out to media [a]

For whistleblowers or secure communication: We have also a secure drop installed. 

NOYB – European Center for Digital Rights
Goldschlagstraße 172/4/3/2
1140 Wien

Personal visits only with prior appointments!

ZVR: 1354838270

Transparency Register of the EU: 488900342587-15

E-Mail: i n f o [a] n o y b . e u 
PGP fingerprint: 69E6 620C 4C96 80F7 C6AA  E5BC 183B 7F42 DD1B 765F
PGP key server: