C029-94 Lieferando

Data Transfers
Case project
Case status
Pending (4 years and more)
Filed: (4 years 2 months ago)

This is one of noyb 101 complaints which were filed after the "Schrems II" judgement in Summer 2020. The judgement invalidated the EU-US data transfer mechanism "Privacy Shield". The cases were generated based on implemented Google Analytics or Facebook tracking code on websites by EU providers, which leads to unlawful data transfers to the United States.

Date Summary
AP informed us that the controller has replied

AP informed us that the controller has replied to their inquiry on 19/03/2021 but the AP generelly does not share a controller's statement with a complainant during the investigation.

noyb sent a third followup email
noyb sent another followup email

noyb sent another follow-up email, again requesting an update from the AP.

noyb sent a followup email to the AP
noyb resent some of the HAR files

noyb resent some of the HAR files re the complaints filed with the AP due to an error on our end.

AP stated that the email address we used for filing is for media representatives

AP stated that the email address we used for filing (pers@autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl) is for media representatives and that they will have a look at the matter. Later that day, the AP stated that said email address is no longer in use but that they have received the complaints

noyb wrote to the AP

noyb wrote to the AP pointing out that all complaints have been filed with the AP on 18.08.2020 and that they might have ended up in a spam folder. noyb also sent (links to) the attachments of the complaints, including the HAR files.

AP stated that they have only received one complaint

AP stated that they have only received complaint C029-37 (AP reference reference: z2020-14034) but not complaints C029-34, 36 and 94. They also pointed out an issue with the representation agreement (we might have sent an incorrect one).

noyb sent a followup message
AP acknowledged receipt of the complaint

AP acknowledged receipt of the complaint in an automated message.
