C029-89 TV Spielfilm Verlag GmbH

Data Transfers
Case project
TV Spielfilm Verlag GmbH
Case status
Pending (4 years and more)
Filed: (4 years 2 months ago)

This is one of noyb 101 complaints which were filed after the "Schrems II" judgement in Summer 2020. The judgement invalidated the EU-US data transfer mechanism "Privacy Shield". The cases were generated based on implemented Google Analytics or Facebook tracking code on websites by EU providers, which leads to unlawful data transfers to the United States.

Date Summary
noyb asked for an update again
noyb requested an update from the HmbBfDI
noyb asked for an update and again asked to be provided with the controllers submission
HmbBfDI confirmed that we will be provided with the controllers statement

HmbBfDI confirmed that we will be provided with the controller's statement and that we will be allowed to reply to it but did not yet provide it.

noyb asked to be provided with this submission

noyb asked to be provided with this submission and asked if we will be heard on it.

HmbBfDI wrote that the controller has sent an submission
HmbBfDI confirmed that they are handling the complaint

HmbBfDI confirmed that they are handling the complaint and that there are yet no files we could have access to.

noyb asked the HmbBfDI for an update

noyb asked the HmbBfDI for an update and also requested access to the file.

LfDI Baden-Württemberg passed the case on to HmbBfDI

Mid-October, the LfDI Baden-Württemberg sent a letter and said the controller is based in Hamburg and that the case has been passed on to HmbBfDI.

LfDI Baden-Württemberg confirmed receipt of the complaint

LfDI Baden-Württemberg confirmed receipt of the complaint and stated that they have requested the controller to make a statement on it.
