Independence and Neutrality: noyb is an independent and impartial organisation. As a donation-funded NGO that is largely financed by thousands of individual supporting members all over the world, we only work for the public good and are not dependent on private or public benefactors and their interest.
Digital Rights are Human Rights: All people are protected by the Charter of Fundamental Rights, the European Convention on Human Rights, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. While we focus on Europe, we see these rights as applicable to anyone: The right to privacy is available to everyone, regardless of their political and religious affiliation, location, nationality or personal background. People have a right to privacy, and we make sure that they can enjoy it in reality.
Privacy and Data Protection: We deliberately limit our work to Privacy and Data Protection cases which are usually based on the General Data Protection Regulation or the ePrivacy Directive. Oftentimes there are overlaps with other issues and rights (e.g. discrimination, workers’ rights, consumer rights or other fundamental rights) and we see it as an advantage if we can contribute to positive change in these areas as well.
Private Sector: noyb focuses on privacy and data protection violations in the commercial sector because they are widespread, frequent and affect millions of people. noyb does not deal with privacy violations by public authorities or governments, because they do not allow for strategic, pan-European enforcement, but can only be dealt with on a national level.
Pan-European and Intercultural: noyb is aware of the diversity of systems and cultures across Europe and beyond, and has a deep understanding and respect for all of them. noyb works at a European level and doesn’t focus its actions on specific member states.