Error: This Content is censored in Ireland

Unfortunately we have to block certain content in Ireland. This page explains the details.


Section 26A. Ireland has passed a law that allows the Irish DPC to declare parts of procedures "confidential", even if no genuinely confidential information is contained. The consequence of Section 26A is censorship of information and criticism on DPC procedures. noyb runs the risk of criminal prosecution under Section 26A if any such information is disclosed. We have therefore chosen to block certain parts of our website that may contain information that the Irish DPC may deem confidential.

Broad Blocking. This page may be displayed even when documents or information are not (properly) declared "confidential" or noyb could rely freedom of speech to use such information under Irish law. However, litigation in Ireland can be extremely slow (10+ years) and costly (€100k+). noyb decided to avoid any discussion under Irish jurisdiction all together by broadly blocking content which may even remotely concern details about Irish procedures for users in Ireland, as we deem our donations to be better invested in enforcement of digital rights than in fights under Section 26A. The fact that a page is blocked does therefore not constitute and indication or acceptance that content is indeed rightfully declared confidential under Section 26A.

Sorry. We are very sorry that we cannot provide you with this content!