DVI (Latvia)

The Data State Inspectorate (Datu valsts inspekcija, "DVI") is the national Data Protection Authority for Latvia and was established in 2001. It resides in Riga and is in charge of enforcing GDPR in Latvia. The DVI is functionally independent institution. Besides GDPR, the regulation of the operation of The DVI is determined in a national law, i.e., Personal Data Processing Law. The Personal Data Processing Law is divided into nine chapters with 39 sections.

Average time for pending cases
3 years 10 months 23 days
Average time for closed cases
2 years 1 month 27 days

noyb GDPR Complaints

    Case Controller Status Duration
    C029-21 SIA TV NET Pending (3 - 4 years) Filed:
    (3 lata 11 miesięcy ago)
    C029-22 SIA "Education systems, E-klase Other Outcome Filed:
    (2 lata 2 miesiące)