Overview of noyb's GDPR complaints

noyb GDPR Complaints

    Case Controller DPA Status Duration
    C029-21 SIA TV NET DSB (Austria), DVI (Latvia), AKI (Estonia) Pending (4 years and more) Filed:
    (4 years 7 months ago)
    C029-22 SIA "Education systems, E-klase DSB (Austria), DVI (Latvia) Other Outcome Filed:
    (2 years 2 months)
    C029-23 Maxima LT UAB DSB (Austria), VDAI (Lithuania) Pending (4 years and more) Filed:
    (4 years 7 months ago)
    C029-24 UAB Diginet LTU DSB (Austria), VDAI (Lithuania) Pending (4 years and more) Filed:
    (4 years 7 months ago)
    C029-25 UAB Nordecum, SMSPinigai.lt DSB (Austria), VDAI (Lithuania) Pending (4 years and more) Filed:
    (4 years 7 months ago)
    C029-26 TVN Spółka Akcyjna UODO (Poland) Pending (4 years and more) Filed:
    (4 years 7 months ago)
    C029-27 Telewizja Polska Spółka Akcyjna UODO (Poland) Pending (4 years and more) Filed:
    (4 years 7 months ago)
    C029-28 Grupa Interia.pl UODO (Poland) Pending (4 years and more) Filed:
    (4 years 7 months ago)
    C029-29 PKO BP UODO (Poland) Pending (4 years and more) Filed:
    (4 years 7 months ago)
    C029-3 Danske Bank A/S DSB (Austria), Tietosuojavaltuutetun toimisto (Finland) Pending (4 years and more) Filed:
    (4 years 7 months ago)
    C029-30 Gedi Gruppo Editoriale Garante per la protezione dei dati personali (Italy) Pending (4 years and more) Filed:
    (4 years 7 months ago)
    C029-31 Caffeina Media Ltd Garante per la protezione dei dati personali (Italy) Won Filed:
    (1 year 10 months)
    C029-32 Fastweb Garante per la protezione dei dati personali (Italy) Won Filed:
    (1 year 11 months)
    C029-33 ILMETEO s.r.l. Garante per la protezione dei dati personali (Italy) Won Filed:
    (1 year 11 months)
    C029-34 Marktplaats B.V. AP (The Netherlands) Pending (4 years and more) Filed:
    (4 years 7 months ago)
    C029-35 netzwelt GmbH HmbBfDI (Hamburg) Pending (4 years and more) Filed:
    (4 years 7 months ago)
    C029-36 Koninklijke PostNL B.V. AP (The Netherlands) Pending (4 years and more) Filed:
    (4 years 7 months ago)
    C029-37 Takeaway.com B.V. AP (The Netherlands) Won Filed:
    (4 years 7 months ago)
    C029-38 Le Huffington Post CNIL (France) Lost Filed:
    (4 years 7 months ago)
    C029-39 Leroy Merlin CNIL (France) Pending (4 years and more) Filed:
    (4 years 7 months ago)