C037-12273 Porsche Inter Auto Slovakia

hands reaching for cookie
Case project
Filing DPA
Porsche Inter Auto Slovakia
Case status
Pending (2 - 3 years)
Filed: (2 years 7 months ago)

noyb lodged 225 GDPR complaints in a second round of litigation on deceptive designs against websites that use the popular cookie banner software (“OneTrust”).

Ημερομηνία Summary
DPA sends status update

Reply to noyb Post Schufa Letter

Slovak Telco Authority informs they found no violation

Within their competence no violation was found, they sent the case back to the Slovak DPA for GDPR related aspects

Telecommunication authority informs they received the case

They will look into it and sent their case number

noyb questions for Slovak telecommunication authority

Asked if they can provide a time-frame, how the cooperation with the Slovak DPA will work and if they will inform us about the outcome

We answered to the Slovak DPA

Asked if the Slovak DPA will intervene after the telecommunication authority concluded their assessment as the complaint concerns both GDPR and ePrivacy

Slovak DPA informs

After a going to their office in Bratislava (because we never heard back), the Slovak DPA informed us about the status of the procedure. The complaint has been forwarded to the telecommunication authority competent for ePrivacy matters.

DSB stays the proceedings
Complaint filed

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